
الخميس، 3 فبراير 2011

Day of Rage - Egypt Uprising

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك Day of Rage - Egypt Uprising

بطاقات بلا مهنة أو مؤهل دراسي

91177info Mubarak is a sociopath. He is unable to love his historic country or it's great people. Blame should also be on the U.S. who say they want democracy around the world but have happily been funding a dictator not only with money but also with weapons. Obama must hand back his Nobel Peace Prize if he doesn't ask Mubarak to step down immediately

#jan28 #jan25 #cairo  # demonstrators in Tahrir Square #Justice for All @Justice for All  #Day of Rage #egypt # tahrir

Riders on horses, camels 

charge into crowd in Egypt

نريد ان يحاكم قائد هذه السيارة ومن اعطاة الأمر فيما تشاهدون

فيديو منعته مصر ليراه العالم


A sign of how Mubarak uses violence and oppression against the demonstrators




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