
الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2009

انفلونزا الماعز - Q fever

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك انفلونزا الماعز - Q fever


انفلونزا الماعز


Q fever



Q Fever and Animals

أصيب العشرات في اوربا وأميركا ببيكتيريا "كيو" المسببة لحمى الماعز. وأعلنت مصادراعلامية تسجيل حالات اصابة بالبيكتيريا في الدول العربية وخاصة في الخليج وبهذا يكون العالم في مواجهة وباء لا يقل خطورة عن سابقيْه،
وذلك بحسب تقرير للعربية الأربعاء 16-12-2009.

لم يلتقط العالم أنفاسه بعد من أخبار انتشار H1N1 حتى بدأ الحديث عن إنفلونزا الماعز،و بحسب الاطباء فأن انفلوانزا الماعز او Q FEVER تسببه بكتيريا
تسببه بكتيريا من نوع Coxiella burnetii تصيب الانسان و حيوانات اخرى كالماعز والاغنام و المواشي و حتى القطط و الكلاب.

وتنتقل هذه البكتيريا عن طريق الهواء والإفرازات والسوائل الحيوانية التى تخرج من الحيوانات المصابة كالحليب و الاجبان ,و تدوم فترة الحضانة بين تسعة الى اربعين يوم.
هذا رابط يعطيكم معلومات عن مرض

Q fever


مختبرات العرب

عونى يوسف

تستخدم فى الاسلحة البيولوجية


coxiella burneti

فاحببت ان اتكلم عنها ولو بالشئ المختصر

قبل ان اخوض فى التفاصيل
لابد من اقول لكم ما هى الصفات التى اهلتها لان تستخدم فى الاسلحة البيولوجية


شديدة الاصابة

مقاومة للحرارة

مقاومة للجفاف

وهاهى بعض المعلومات عنها

  • coxiella burneti similar to Richettsiae
small gram negative


it difficult to study because cannot be cultured on artificial media

coxiella burneti cultured in yolk sac of achich embryo

coxiella burneti charactarized by resistant to heat ,drying and disinfectant.
so this feature
permit to it to survive for long period in enviroment

survive one hour at 60 C

COXIELLA burneti CONSIDE zoonatic disease

reservior host


C.burneti transsmitted by

a- ticks
b- frome one animales to another in infected milk



known with name

this disease present usually in



Mine mile fever

How human infected
by the folloeing

a- bite of infected ticks

b-drinking untreated infected milk

c-inhaling infected aerosols

d- handling infected animales

symptoms of Qfever
  • high fever
  • headache
  • body pain
  • slight rash
  • sore throat
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • non-productive cough
  • confusion

complication of untreated QFEVER
  • pneumonia(similar to virus pneumoa
  • chronic infected endocarditis
liver disease

C.burneti parasitized in

a- histiocytes of the spleen

b- Kupffer cell of the liver

so due to the presence in liver and spleen the tow organe become enlarged

Incubation period

depend on the number of the organisms initially infected the patient

infection with greater number willresult in shorter incubation period

most patient become ill within 2-3 weeks after exposure

bu using serological test
such as

a- complement fixation






Q fever in pregnancy is difficut to treated because the Doxycycline are contrindicated in pregnacy

so use



هل هناك من سيصدق وزراء الصحة العرب من جديد ؟!!!!!


Q Fever

What is Q fever and what causes it?
How is Q fever transmitted?
What are the symptoms of Q fever?
What tests are available for Q fever?
What is the treatment for Q fever?
Is Q fever an occupational concern?
What occupations are at increased risk for Q fever?
How can we prevent Q fever in the workplace?


Infectious Disease Transmission

in Healthcare Work

Infectious diseases are transmitted from human to human primarily by three routes: (1) direct contact with an infected patients blood or secretions or a contaminated surface; (2) transmission via large droplets; or (3) transmission via small droplets (aerosolization or airborne). With most respiratory pathogens, including influenza, the relative contribution of each of these types of transmission has not been adequately studied. This paucity of definitive data on influenza transmission is a critical gap in the knowledge base needed to develop and implement effective prevention strategies. Without knowing the contributions of each of the possible route(s) of transmission, all routes must be considered probable and consequential, and the resources needed for prevention and control strategies cannot be rationally focused to maximize preparedness efforts. Although it has been 70 years since the influenza A virus was discovered and despite the recognition that it can cause yearly epidemics worldwide resulting in severe illness and death, little is known about the mechanisms by which influenza A is transmitted or its viability and infectivity outside the host. Debate continues about whether influenza transmission is primarily via the airborne or droplet routes and the extent of the contribution of the contact route (including contact with blood, fecal matter, or contaminated surfaces). Unfortunately, many healthcare employers and state and local health departments ignore the US Institute Of Medicine IOM) recommendation and growing scientific evidence of airborne transmission of flu (including the H1N1 flu) because they view the needed changes to infection control procedures too burdensome For more on the transmission of flu in the healthcare setting, go to the IOM 2008 report at http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?rec... . This is clipped from the 11 minutes video, Personal Protection Against Infection, from the nonprofit Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare and available for purchase at http://www.osach.ca/products/catalog/... .
This video covers the basics of infection control for health care support staff, from modes of transmission to hand washing to the use of personal protective equipment.

General information about Q fever

Q fever vaccination providers

Q Fever Vaccine

Overlap Agents


انفلونزا الماعز - Q fever

بأمارة أية مديريات التعليم تؤكد سلامة المصل

جريمة لقاح انفلونزا الخنازير - SWINE FLU VACCINE DISASTER


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