
الاثنين، 11 يناير 2010

swine flu vaccine conspiracy against humanity - مؤامرة مصل انفلونزا الخنازير ضد الانسانية

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك swine flu vaccine conspiracy against humanity - مؤامرة مصل انفلونزا الخنازير ضد الانسانية

read the articles ,watch videos and judge for yourself and your kids


Swine Flu Vaccination

Poses Serious Threat to Your Health

نشوف كدب العسكر اللى انكشف

ربنا بلاهم بحاجة من حرب الخليج

أعراض حرب الخليج

والى القادة المخدوعين فى من تحت ايديهم من المسؤليين

ركب دى مع دى

ونشوف الكدب جاى منين

طيب الحاجه دى طبعا لاتصيب الجنود العرب

كما قبضتم من أجل السكوت

المحكمة هتفتح أبوابها لييكم من وسع عن قريب

Suvey of contents of US swine flu vaccines as of 5 Nov. 20o9.
Dr. Mercola´s latest news on swine flu.

One reader wants more evidence that squalene is so poisonous. Of course, the final proof would be a mass investigation of the befallen Gulf War soldiers. However, the US DoD has refused that - which is suspicious. Here are links that provide heavy evidence that the squalene is the cause of the Gulf War syndrome

Link 1 and Link2 and Link 3 and Link 4 . Here is an in depth survey.


الاطباء المخادعون حيث العسكر لديهم الحقائق المخفية

وكبار قادة العالم المشاركين

واجهزة المخابرات المعادية

والانظمة العربية التى تريد فرض رأيها وهى لاتعرف شىء عن العدس

لاتقرأ ولاتشاهد ولاتصارح شعوبها ومن خيبتها شعوبها لاتثق بها ولن تثق بها


ولنشاهد هذه الجريمة
حيث عندنا بمصر والدول العربية عادى
عندما يرتكب هذا الخطأ أما هم فلا وألف لا
لأننا نحكم بأنظمة الله العالم بها
جريمة اعطاء المصل بدون موافقه الأهل
وهكذا نشك فى كل الأمصال
التى تقدمها الدول المزعومة والتى تعرف بالدول العربية
بل ويشاركون فى اخفاء الحقائق فى اعلامهم الهزيل

school nurses give

H1N1 vaccine

to kids without parents

ليس لديكم طب وأنما سجون ومعتقلات

ليس عندكم الأ مستشفيات الولادة ونزع شعر النسوان ونفخ الشفايف

حتى دى كمان مش نافعين فيها

الهجاصيين أقنعوكم ان عندنا طب

طيب لييه الزعماء العرب كلهم بجدرهم بيتعالجوا عند ماما امريكا وبرة

--------School nurses mistakenly gave the swine flu vaccine to two students who didn't sign up for it - including a Brooklyn girl with epilepsy who wound up in the hospital.

"I was outraged," Naomi Troy, 26, told the Daily News after her 6-year-old daughter, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, had a possible allergic reaction to the shot.

Officials at Public School 335 in Crown Heights called an ambulance to take Nikiyah to SUNY Downstate Medical Center when she fell ill following the arm jab.

"My stomach was hurting, and I was itching," Nikiyah said after she was released from the hospital.

The snafu and a similar mixup at a Staten Island school came in the first days of the city's in-school H1N1 vaccination program.

City officials have stressed the vaccine is safe and urged parents to sign up for it - though less than half have sent in permission slips.

Troy was waiting for advice from her family doctor on whether Nikiyah should get the shot since she takes medicine to control her epilepsy.

When the nurse called for a student Thursday morning, Nikiyah's teacher misunderstood and sent the wrong student, Troy said.

The error was compounded when the nurse didn't check Nikiyah's name before sticking her in the shoulder, the mother said.

"The school made a horrible mistake," she added. "They never asked for her name. They have no paperwork....How do you make a mistake like this?"

After the mistake was discovered, officials summoned Troy to the school, she said.

Troy said the nurse - a Department of Health employee - tried to get her to sign a consent form, after the fact.

"I was insulted. I was really angry. 'You just incriminated yourself even more,'" Troy recalled thinking.

"If they'd taken proper precautions in the school this never would have happened."

A student at PS 65 in Staten Island also received the vaccine without parental permission on Wednesday, but officials gave no further details.

Officials for the nurses union declined to comment. The Health Department said the incidents were under investigation.

"The Health Department does not expect any future adverse medical effects for these children, but we are working to determine how this misstep occurred," said spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti.

"We will develop additional safeguards to prevent similar instances in the future."

She added that the vaccine is safe for kids suffering from epilepsy.

Roughly 1,800 students have received the vaccine in the first phase of the school blitz.

VAC's Comments.

This is least the third time this has happened now that I have come across.
We are only human, sure mistakes happen.
But this is alarming, ow long before someones child dies from this.

ان كان عندكم حلاقين خلوهم يترجموا لييكم

لأن كروشكم تمنعكم من القرأة

أيها الحلاقون
اللى عاوز يعرف
يدخل هنا ويشوف
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ويشوف ازاى الناس دى بتقول الحقيقة

If you want to know visit the previous user name vaccinationAwareness

More deaths from the "swine flu" vaccine -

Swedish media no longer reports them

الحقيقة الكبرى
علشان بتاع الصحة اللى كل شويه طالع بحاجه

watch the video

Sweden's vaccine

deal with GSK out in the open

The company is one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers. So far, the agreement between Sweden and Glaxo Smith Kline was kept in strict confidence. But now, after the court of, the National Board of Health and Social Welfare decided to discovery. And it turned out that it is extremely disadvantageous to the government in Stockholm.


VAC's comments:
Now it comes out, not that most of us awake didn't already know it of course.
Money, money, money and no warranty, warranty, warranty.
So who benefits 100% the manufacturers, what a deal, what a steal, what a, hmm, meal, hmm, anything to make it rhyme again, lol.
No but serious now, this is disgusting, and now of course it's come out that the virus may well turn out to be the mildest on record:

Well, well, well, what can one say, I told you so maybe, no way, cause I waited, I wanted to see if it was all hype, if something else was going to happen.
Okay still might be some third wave, might be these mutated version will kick off.
But so far the actual first strain of it back in May has proceeded to be no worse.
In fact I don't delight in this 100%, trust me, cause on my other channel I was the one predicting 5% one stage before revising it back to around 2% and I think it probably is around 1% tops, if not much less, like it was back in Spring. They surely have known this for a while, yet they still even now pushing the vaccine, hmm, wonder why, couldn't be because of money could it, hmm.

Swine flu H1N1 could

be mildest on record

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انتم تعالجون برة

واحنا هنا بالمية المغلية


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